Thursday 3 May 2012

Free AdWords Vouchers For 2012 – Save $$$ On Google Advertising

It’s April 20, 2012. I’m thinking: VOUCHERS, Free AdWords Vouchers for 2012. Voucher – It’s not a word I usually use. Rather than using the word ‘free adwords vouchers,’ I am more inclined to say ‘free AdWords coupon codes.’ And then there’s 2012. The Mayans say that the world is going to end, this year. So why worry about getting free stuff from Google?
Free Google AdWords Coupon Codes - $100 and $75 Free AdWordsFirst of all, I like to save money – I recommend taking my free AdWords Gottchas Webinar, which explains ways to avoid wasting money on AdWords through mistakes like broad match vs. broad match with modifier, or Google network vs. the Google display network.
Second, let’s return to those free AdWords vouchers for 2012. They’re actually pretty easy to find –

Free Google AdWords Coupons for $100 and $75 in Free AdWords Advertising

Google gives these away like candy if you know where to look. First, here are some links direct to Google that will give you a free $100 Google AdWords Coupon Code or free $75 Google AdWords Coupon Code. Just click on either the
and you’ll go straight there.
You can also search using Google, to find the most current offers. It’s pretty simple. Just enter {keywords}. Here I’ve built the searches for you -
Browse through the links provided there, and you’ll usually find the most current free $100 AdWords Coupons or free $75 AdWords Coupons, depending on what Google is promoting. Note: this are for NEW advertisers only!

Free $100 AdWords Credit – Call Google AdWords

The final easy way to get a free $100 or free $75 AdWords credit is simply to call Google before you set up your first AdWords campaigns. Simply call 1-877-906-7960 and explain you are interested in AdWords, and want to set up a free $100 campaign. They are very lenient at giving away these credits, and the helpful Google sales rep will email you a coupon code. Presto! You’ve just saved yourself $100.

Google Adwords Voucher Trick
Here Enter Any Name
Any Email Must Be New Enter
Any website/blog etc.
Enter any Phone # like +465768123651
I hope you Will understand this Easily


  1. hmmmm , what an amazing article ,
    any record for the webinar please??????????????????

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That was very useful thanks for the codes. I will use it to advertise my site Black Bros Games
